When you are struggling to find time for your creative passion and doubt whether you actually have it in you or not to reach the place you’ve dreamt for yourself, the universe sends you a surprise. 

A sign that you’re okay and things are happening as they are supposed to. The going may be slow, but it’s happening in the right direction. 

And today, one of those signs knocked on my door and made me optimistic and cheerful all over again.
I know I am going to make it. Somehow or the other, it’s going to happen. Everything is how it needs to be right now.
I just have to look past the illusion and see the underlying order.
Super happy to find myself on the cover of one of the biggest literary magazines in the country, The Literary Mirror, with the other stalwarts in the field. Of course, I am nothing compared to them, but I will take whatever sign the universe sends and feel nothing but deep gratitude. 

No space for self-doubts. No, not this time.
A big thank you to the editorial team for considering me worthy of the honour. 

As someone rightly said, the journey is the destination.
Super stoked to find this milestone on my journey! 
Here’s to enjoying the journey, every milestone and every single step as my banter takes me to the destination.

Thank you for showering love on my banter! Supriya’s banter
#supriyasbanter #supriyabansal
#theliterarymirror #coverfeature #indianwriters