Caterpillar Who Went on a Diet by Ranjit Lal  – Book Review

Caterpillar Who Went on a Diet and Other Stories

 Author: Ranjit Lal

Publisher‏: ‎ Puffin

Language‏: ‎ English

Themes: humor, insect world

Format- Paperback/ Kindle

 In Lal’s “The Caterpillar Who Went on Diet,” you won’t find your typical bedtime stories about bunnies or bears. Instead, the book is choc-a-bloc with creepy crawlies in all shapes and sizes.  

There are gullible caterpillars, cunning ants, spunky cockroaches, and a lot more. Mind you, these insects aren’t just buzzing around aimlessly; they’re on a mission to entertain! They even dish out tiny nuggets, educating readers about their habits, habitats, and preferred food.  

Imagine this: Nimbu, the caterpillar, determined to shed a few grams after being nudged on a hilarious journey of self-discovery by a devious stick insect. Or a sly ant plotting against the colony and coming on top. Not to mention finding unlikely accomplices in the process.  

With breezy dialogue and humorous plotlines, Lal packs a punch in every story. There is an unmistakable buzz and excitement in the narrative. Lal’s witty dialogue and charming characters make even the most complex scientific concepts easy to understand. And while the plotline of each story is refreshingly simple, there’s enough depth in the characters’ arc, setting and situations to keep older children engaged.  

One of the book’s shining qualities is its blend of humour, heart and science. Some may find the language a tad tricky, with liberal usage of heavy vocabulary, while others may find the insect-centric content a bit overwhelming. However, these issues can easily be resolved with parental guidance and by going about the book in a slow, unhurried way. One or two stories at a time is just the perfect way to go about this book.  

Perfect for children above ten who enjoy a good laugh and aren’t afraid to learn something new. Even adults will quite enjoy Lal’s clever storytelling and brilliant observations about the insect world.  

Recommended for children who enjoy nature animals and have a penchant for bugs. This celebration of the smallest inhabitants of our earth will leave them smiling.  

The delightful, light-hearted read is full of mischief, magic and oodles of learning! 

Vocabulary Builder
Interesting plotline
Entertainment Quotient

Recommended for children who enjoy nature animals and have a penchant for bugs. This celebration of the smallest inhabitants of our earth will leave them smiling.  

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