Sataplia Cave: Georgia’s Prehistoric Echoes

Unearthing the Wonders of Georgia’s Caves: Sataplia and Prometheus 

Descending into a World of Prehistoric Wonders 


Your Georgian adventure promises a thrilling exploration beneath the earth’s surface. Sataplia Cave and Prometheus Caves are just the subterranean marvels that take you back to the Mesozoic era.  

Sataplia Cave, an underground cave, was formed over the centuries inside an extinct volcano. Its prehistoric wooden relics, labyrinths of karst caves, and fossilized dinosaur tracks connect it to the Mesozoic era, 160 million years ago.


Prometheus Cave may be regarded as Georgia’s magic secret. The mystic cave, with stunning curtains of stalactites and stalagmites, convinces you of the existence of the fairy world. 

The anticipation of ancient secrets waiting to be uncovered is enough to look forward to your visit to Kutaisi.  

Sataplia Cave: Echoes of Dinosaurs and Volcanoes 

The Journey to Sataplia 

To reach Sataplia Cave, start from Tbilisi, Georgia’s vibrant capital.

The drive takes about 3.5 hours, winding through picturesque landscapes that set the stage for the adventure ahead. The route leads you to Kutaisi, where the cave’s entrance awaits, promising a journey into geological and prehistoric wonder. 

Sataplia cave is named after a Georgian word meaning “honey place,” a nod to the local tradition of honeymaking. But beyond its sweet origins, it is also said to be linked to the tales of ancient heroes and mythical creatures. The cave’s significance extends to its rich fossil history. 

A Hidden World of Wonders  

Navigating the winding path through the forest feels like crossing into a different realm. The entrance to the cave is like a portal to another world—its dark maw beckons with a magnetic pull.  

As one ventures inside, the atmosphere shifts from the warm embrace of the outside world to the cool, whispering depths of the cave. The crisp air carries a faint, earthy scent that hints at the centuries of history in these stone walls.  

An Ancient Volcano’s Secret 

With its labyrinthine passages and breathtaking formations, this cave was sculpted within the heart of a long-extinct volcano. With each step inside, the volcanic origins become more apparent; if you listen closely, you can hear the cave speaking of the mighty forces that once shaped this land. 

Dinosaur Footprints: Imprints of a Lost Era 

The connection to a distant past—the close tie to the dinosaurs that roamed these lands is the trump card of the caves.  

Sataplia is renowned for its fossilized dinosaur footprints, preserved in two distinct layers of Cretaceous limestone.  

Walking along the marked paths, you can almost feel the weight of history beneath your feet. The footprints are like archaic signatures etched into the rock. One is transported back to the era when dinosaurs ruled. You can almost see these massive creatures traipsing about, leaving a lasting imprint on the very ground you stand upon. 

There are only 3 places where you can find such traces of dinosaurs in the CIS (Common Independent States): one in Ravat gorge in Tajikistan, another on in the Sataplia Mount in Georgia and the third one is Khodja-pil in Turkmenistan. 

There are currently around 200 known footprints in Sataplia, each a silent witness to the magnificence of Mesozoic life, dating back approximately 160 million years. 

Exploring the Cave and Surroundings 

The cave itself is an adventurer’s dream. Its winding paths and hidden chambers beckon exploration, while the surrounding area adds to the splendour.  

The path leading to the cave takes you up the slopes of the extinct volcano. Along the way, a new museum, Conservation Building, and Cafeteria await, blending modern amenities with the cave’s ancient allure. 

Why You Shouldn’t Miss It  

Sataplia Cave’s natural beauty and rich historical connection make it a must-see destination.  

Whether you’re a history buff, a nature lover, or simply searching for a unique adventure, the cave promises to captivate and amaze.   

Continue to read about Prometheus Cave here.

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