Move Over Slut-Shaming, Modesty Shaming Is Here!


So, you’ve heard of fat-shaming, slut shaming, skinny-shaming, and even food-shaming (is that all you’re going to eat?) But sit tight, ladies; there’s a new kid on the block! It’s called modesty shaming.

Here, I am not even remotely referring to hijabs, niqabs, or shayalas. No, this is not about religious, cultural or political sects. I am steering clear of this subsection and heading straight to the polarising situations women face in today’s overanalysing and probing society.

Why equate short clothes with modernity?

I want to spotlight how seemingly modern, educated women who, on account of some twisted mindsets, equate modernity with short clothes. And they don’t stop at that. They take it up a notch by wanting everyone to endorse that skewed agenda and fall in line.

Read the whole piece here- Move Over Slut-Shaming, Modesty Shaming Is Here!

Image Source: a still from the film Cocktail

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