Operation Pakistan Terror Strike

Operation Pakistan Terror Strike 

Author-Dwayne Pimenta 

Genre- Action-adventure/ Fiction/ Thriller 

Theme- Patriotism 

Few books play out like a movie. Some do, but then they don’t unfold like a quintessential action-packed, edge-of-the-seat thriller choc-a block with an intrinsic mastery of military intelligence like this one. Pimenta creates a thriller plot, checking all these boxes and then some more. 

In a nutshell, the book spotlights a covert operation conducted by the Indian army against Pakistan and puts the shadow warriors—highly trained, motivated Indian soldiers center stage. However, many layers with multiple engaging subplots crisscross the main storyline, keeping the readers hooked. Not to mention how dark conspiracies, secret alliances, desperate traitors, ruthless mercenaries, and heroic patriots prance in and out of the plot in a tandem rhythm. 

Pimenta weaves a fast-paced, bold narrative based on India’s calibrated strategy, a fitting reply to its neighbors for waging a proxy war and sponsoring terror attacks through extremist organizations. 

Captain. Bhupinder “Lucky” Grewal is the pivot of the operation leading the special unit of skilled soldiers (Black Smoke) across the border. His personal battles and backstory make for an intrepid protagonist. Cast in supporting roles—Ram Sheshagiri Rao, National Security Advisor, India, and Lt. Gen. Amarjit “Bhalli” Singh Randhawa, shine in the background, creating a palpable tension and ripples when things look subdued and calm. 

Pimenta aces the combat sequences with elan—ambush, gun fires, hand combat, sniper shots—essential elements of a war drama are realistic and vivid. 

Colonel Asaf Nigel Phillips’s calm resilience juxtaposed against the Brigadier Tabrez Afridi’s menacing persona add just the right color to the narrative. The sensitive portrayal of the love angle smoothens the hard edges and complements the storyline.  

Pimenta’s fluid and effortless writing style make this heroic and audacious mission believable. The honey traps, sleeper spies, secret informers, and clandestine money exchanges engulf the reader into a page-turning frenzy. 

Despite having a good idea about the ending, I watched the complex operation unravel with a child-like intrigue, savoring the baffling twists and turns peppered every step of the way. 

The riveting narrative is like a shot in the arm, filling one with pride, patriotism, and deep regard for the fearless defense personnel. For someone like me, who is a self-confessed junkie of patriotic movies and books, this book packed a punch—and how! 

The fast-track sketch kept me engrossed enough not to notice major flaws or plot holes. 

I applaud Pimenta’s effort to bring a fitting tribute to the shadow warriors and unsung heroes to light. This adrenaline-fueled tale painted in bold strokes of patriotism and strategic survival will remain with you long after you’ve finished the book. 


Easy readability

The riveting narrative is like a shot in the arm, filling one with pride, patriotism, and deep regard for the fearless defense personnel. For someone like me, who is a self-confessed junkie of patriotic movies and books, this book packed a punch—and how! I applaud author’s effort to bring a fitting tribute to the shadow warriors and unsung heroes to light. This adrenaline-fueled tale painted in bold strokes of patriotism and strategic survival will remain with you long after you’ve finished the book. 

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