A Break in Love 

A Break in Love 

Author-Rrashima Verma 

Genre- Romantic Fiction 

What happens after the quintessential ‘happily ever after’? What happens after the handsome, well-healed bloke has swept his gorgeous lady-love off her feet and they’ve traipsed, hand in hand, over to a sumptuous, high-rise apartment in the tony location of the capital? 

What happens after they’ve shrugged away their contradictory upbringing and ignored the deep-rooted cultural and community-based differences? Or after they’ve cajoled their disagreeing parents, smoothened their fears, and wangled a benchmark status for their relationship amongst friends and co-workers? 

Does love fly out of the window when domesticity kicks in? Does the husband appreciate and admire the glamorous wife when reports need to be filed, clients need to be convinced, and presentations have to be prepared? Or does the financial-independent, dynamo wife cares two hoots about organizing a messy house or delectable dinner for her husband after his business sojourn? No, she doesn’t. And what’s more? She doesn’t even keep the pantry well stocked with quinoa for the entitled man of the house. 

Verma’s debut book traces the journey of a love-struck couple, Lisa and Karan, coping with passive aggression, angst, ego trips, and guilt conscious that seeps into a typical relationship that has lasted a few years. As expected, it doesn’t take much to put a brake on their bliss.  

The usual culprits are break-back tight schedules, lofty ambitions, and a penchant for living life in the fast lane. Lisa’s weakness for branded gear and Karan’s thrifty financial proclivity only worsens matters. They transform into a couple who can’t see eye to eye on something as trivial as a lazy Sunday lunch. 

Verma makes this evolution engaging and inevitable by giving both Lisa and Karan emotional depth and a place in the spotlight. Their mutual shock at conjugal camaraderie gone awry is well captured.  

The respective mother-in laws keep the theatrics alive as the couple’s marriage speeds downhill. 

A holiday in Bali seems like a ray of sunshine in their rajma-chawal, sambhar chawal swathed existence, but plans go askew. It ends with Lisa flying off to Goa chasing carefree, buoyant times and Karan bumbling through his hectic days with the possibility of permanent separation looming over both their heads. 

But do the distances make the hearts go fonder? Does love prevail and conquer all? Their journey toward each other makes the final chapter of the book. 

Verma’s writing style is conversational, and the language contemporary and relaxed. She drafts a compelling supporting cast—Lisa and Karan’s friends seem like they have been picked up from your circle of friends. They have real relationship issues, speak real stuff, dish out corny advice and even turn nasty at the drop of a hat.  

The confusion and frustration creeping in as love evaporates and Lisa and Karan jump hoops to gain a semblance of sanity makes for an engaging read.  

This light-hearted take on marriage, relationships, and love is just the mid-week break I needed!

Easy Readability
Entertainment Quotient

The confusion and frustration creeping in as love evaporates and Lisa and Karan jump hoops to gain a semblance of sanity makes for an engaging read.   This light-hearted take on marriage, relationships, and love is great for a mid-week mini break!

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