Quidditch through the Ages 

Quidditch through the Ages 

Author- JK Rowling 



Ages-8 and up 

Theme- magic, wizard world, fantasy 

Hardcover-‎128 page 

Reading age- 8 and up 

In the Potter universe, this book is one of the most sought-after books, what with Quidditch aficionados craving to pick up tricks to up their game. 

The Potterheads would remember the book being referred to as—pawed about, dribbled on, and generally maltreated nearly every day” by the school librarian, Madam Pince. Also, it is gifted to Harry to discover exceptional tricks before his first game by Hermione. Of course, it is later confiscated by Professor Snape. 

The book in the fictional universe is compiled by Kennilworthy Whisp, a self-confessed fanatic of the exceptional, innovative, and one of the most popular sports in the wizardry world. 

Rowling cleverly sets the premise and brings the book out of the Potter universe. Like Tales of Beedle and Bard, this is a companion book to the Harry Potter series. 

As expected, the fans like me had to lap it up. 

One has to applaud Rowling for maintaining the ruse that this book belongs to the wizarding world at every opportunity. 

The first page looks old, like a library borrowing log, which features the names of many prominent wizards and eminent Quidditch players of the past. Rowling weaves a convincing and believable history, evolution, and established practices of this fictional sport played on broomsticks. 

It is far from the encyclopedia it is portrayed as being. A foreword by Albus Dumbeldore adds the requisite magical sheen. The book surprises you, just like other lateral extensions of the Potter world. The vivid illustrations make a fan like me want to go back and lose themselves in that fantasy world again. 

Brimming with magic facts, the book packs a punch, charting the journey of the fascinating sport from its origins in the medieval mists on Queerditch Marsh to the modern wizardry world. Detailed sections elaborate on famous teams over the years, common mistakes, and recent adaptations like racing brooms. 

The chapter headings range from-The Evolution of the Flying Broomsticks, Ancient Broom Games, The Arrival of the Golden snitch to Anti Muggle Precautions and recent evolution. 

The brilliant illustrations by Emily Gravett in the special edition are like an extra magic sparkle for Potter fans and Quidditch aficionados. This beautiful hardcover would definitely be a coveted book for any Potter enthusiast. 

Clever, witty, and brilliant! It definitely has merits to become a prized possession in the coming years. 

An excellent extension of the Potter universe. 

An excellent extension of the Potter universe.

Creativity, Style, and Originality
Entertainment Quotient

Brimming with magic facts, the book packs a punch!

Clever, witty, and brilliant! It definitely has merits to become a prized possession in the coming years. 

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