I was browsing the note section of my phone, and this popped up.
So the other day, we made shahi paneer gravy for dinner.
I coaxed the little monkey (all of three- years, then) to try it. “Shahi paneer !! Yum, so tasty. Let’s give it a try.”
The Little monkey came and curiously peeped into the plate. “Mumma, I can see paneer. It’s not shahi.”
I was confused.” But it’s shahi paneer, paneer will be seen, right!! ( right, guys!!
),” I reasoned.

She hid her face with both her hands and said aloud,” But if you are shy, you don’t want to be seen !!”

Have you ever had shy paneer? Did it behave appropriately?
Pic credit- Caleb Woods(Unsplash)
My shahi paneer never looks good enough for a picture share.

Glossary-Shahi Paneer(an Indian Gravy containing cottage cheese)